Kahua Pa‘a Mua, Inc.
June 2013 – Present
Kahua Pa‘a Mua is a non-profit focused on economic and social development through agricultural education in the community of North Kohala, Hawai‘i Island. Specific responsibilities:
Grant writing and grant management: writing and management of grants from federal, state and county government, and private foundation sources, including: ‘Ohana Agricultural Resilience (OAR) funded by USDA NIFA Community Food System Competitive Grant; Palili 'O Kohala Taro Growing and Processing Cooperative funded by County of Hawaii Office of Research and Development, USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program (grant written in partnership with the Kohala Center);
Project Management: tracking and assisting with execution of all project deliverables including; training, field management, product manufacturing, marketing and sales.
Cooperative Development: Co-facilitator of the process to form an agricultural cooperative. Convening of cooperative members, eliciting input and providing business support over a two-year time frame.
Community outreach: coordination of educational workshops and community events, fielding inquiries, representing project.
Project and product marketing: development of logos, product labels and other marketing materials, media coordination (print and video) and website (copy and visual
Photo credit: Malia Welch